These are my favorite family fotos. Unfortunately, the only ones we have of all six of us was taken during our Celebrating Adoption Photo shoot, and I don't have pics to share. So these are my second favorites. Hope you enjoy.
yep thats how it is here..its very very hard to get group pics!
I am a SAHM who has been married for 10 years. My husband and I have 4 children. Our youngest who we adopted from Guatemala. We have 4 dogs and a Poppy and hope to add another child to our family through adoption. This blog is about us.
-Signed with Agency-end of Febuary, beginning of March -Completed Dossier-middle of July -Refferal-August 2, 2007 -DNA results-September 18, 2007 -Pre-Approval-October 2, 2007 -Visit trip-November 29 - December 3, 2007 -Waiting for Family Court-exited in October -PGN-entered October 31, 2007 -Knock Out-December 14, 2007 -Resubmitted to PGN-February 15, 2008 -Out of PGN-February 28, 2008 -Orange (2nd DNA auth.)-March 13, 2008 -DNA sample at lab-March 28, 2008 -DNA sample left lab heading to Guatemala City-March 31, 2008 -Pink appt. April 14, 2008 -Home Forever April 16, 2008
What is a miracle?
What is a miracle? It is when the impossible happens.
It’s when doctors have given up on a sick child and for no scientific reason, that child gets well. It’s when you’re down to your last dollar, have piles of bills to be paid, and a check arrives in the mail from some unknown source. It’s when a hurricane comes through a town and your house is left standing with desolation all around it. It’s when a child is born and you can’t believe how exquisitely miniature this new life appears. It’s when you’ve prayed for a specific purpose and that prayer is answered. It’s when there is no earthly reason something wonderful has happened.
Miracles take place everyday. Sometimes they’re very subtle and quiet, sweeping in like a touch on the face. Other times, it’s very evident and public. It doesn’t matter who you are, miracles can happen to anyone.
Why do miracles take place? It may be that God wants your attention!
When you believe in God, you gain an awareness of Him. You see everything in a new light. He shows His great power through the trials and tribulations of life, through nature and science. God is in the impossible business.
What is a miracle? Someone once said, “Coincidence is when God wants to remain anonymous.” Well, miracles are when God reveals Himself. Without Him there would be no miracles!All glory and honor and praise belong to Him.
yep thats how it is here..its very very hard to get group pics!
Love the bottom pic playing with daddy!
What fun pictures of you with your sweet kids ... love the one of dad getting pummeled! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!
Rebekah - Jaden - Baby#2 too
Love the pile of kids!
I'm glad I'm not the only parent who gets sat on by all my children when I'm laying on the floor! Poor dad!! LOL
Tackle!!! LOL Love the pic with Dad and the kids tackling him-LOL Great family pics!!! Beautiful family!!!
Those are great! I love that second one with all the kids piled up on top of Dad! Priceless.
Both of those pictures are so special and natural
Love the daddy pileup! You have such a beautiful family!
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