Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Summer Fun

Although quit not summer yet, but still alot of fun. It was pretty hot here over the weekend, 90 degrees or so. We spent the entire weekend in the pool. Even Faith took a little dip. She made the same face in the pool as she does in the bath (I'm not sure if I'm diggin this, but at least I'm clean). Things have settled down here and everyone seems to be finally adjusting. Faith sleep through the night last night and drinks more bottles than I can keep up with. She still won't eat baby food, but once therapy starts she'll have no choice but to learn.

Paris loves to hold her, Rex has become protective over her and I'm not sure if Roc knows we have another kid in the house. Daddy tried to feed her the other night and she was not having it, but she enjoys looking at him. Then theres Poppy, every morning Poppy talks to her and her face lights up. What kid doesn't love Poppy (husband grandfather).

Faiths first birthday is coming up so I've got to start planning. Wouldn't be a party without a Pinata.

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is still struggling to get through this process. Keep the Faith


demp5 said...

Wow! It looks like y'all had a really fun weekend. I am so glad that things are settling down there. I know that Faith will make huge strides in therapy. She just needs that little extra push :)

Kim said...

Looks like you guys had a Great time! I am envious of the weather! We had snow last weekend, I don't know if we will have a spring. We will just end up in summer one day. We are keeping the faith, still IN PGN whis is better than being kicked out. Thanks for the prayers!

Gail said...

Wow!! Swimming already!! I love the jumping picture.

veggiemom said...

So glad things are settling down. Can't wait to see how Faith does with some therapy.
Kerri and Ruby

Unknown said...

Hi--I found your blog through another that I had followed. I'm sure Faith will make great progress being home and having supports. I noticed EAC on your links, is that who you used? We are an EAC family.

take care,

Mom to the 3rd Power said...

Hi Suzanne. Thought I'd pay you a visit since we DO share the same name. :)
I was sorry to read that you had to put your dog to sleep. We also had to do the same thing in April...
Praying for progress for your sweet baby girl. My godson/nephew came home to our family 2 years ago from Russia. Keep the faith. You have a beautiful family.