Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fay can WALK


Mrs. Dan said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's my girl. :)

veggiemom said...

Wow!!! That made me all goosebumpy and teary-eyed. Yay!!!

demp5 said...

love, LOve, LOVE this!!

Kelly said...

So awesome !!!!!!!

Amy said...

I'm not sure how I missed this one, but how PRECIOUS!!! Just remember that all of your hard work is paying off!!!!!!

Group3 said...

her heart's very strong. :)

Group3 said...

Her heart is very strong.

Kim said...

I am a brand new reader, but wow - this made tears stream down my face! So thrilled for her and your family, what a wonderful memory this will be!

My youngest daughter has overcome so much, and each and the little things or ordinary things are really HUGE things to us!

It reminded me so much of this song I love from the Signing Time DVD's... the lyrics are the last ones shown here:

"...Sometimes I see you stuck
For such a long time
A daily nothing new
Pretend I don’t mind
With lists of things you’ll never do
Until somehow you do
And you do — you do — you shine..."

Anonymous said...

I saw some very interesting posts here. You are very enthusiastic about blogging. It was a pleasure to meet you. I follow you too. Bye!

cory said...

wow really nice enjoyed it all love ur blog come vist mine if you like. :)

zarka said...

What a wonderful parents you two are and an inspiration to others.I wish that all the kids in this world are looked after and cared for.

Nikki said...

That is fantastic!!!
