Saturday, February 16, 2008

I'm In

That's right folks, we are back in PGN. I am so overjoyed. I ask that everyone cross their fingers and pray we have a quick journey through PGN


Gail said...

Wonderful news!!! Hope your trip through is quick.

demp5 said...

Yahoo! I hope to join you there soon. Congrats on getting back into PGN, and I will be praying for no previos and a quick out!!

Becky said...

Woo Hoo. Great to be back in, now here is to a fast OUT!!

Becky and Jack

Steph said...

YAY!!!! I hope this is your LAST trip!!!

Pineapple Princess said...

Great news! Yahoo! Please, Lord, bring Baby Faith home soon!!!


demp5 said...

You are right - my daughter is 7. When are you coming back ot Guate.? We need to meet down here!

Jenn said...

Congratulations! We are at about the same place in our process. Hopefully we will be hearing that we are back in PGN this week! Hope your stay in PGN is short and that you will get some good news soon!

veggiemom said...


Ruby was not sitting up when I got her at 8 months 5 days. She was sitting (very wobbly though) by the time we came home from Guatemala 5 days later. She didn't start rolling over until she was around 9 months old. One thing to keep in mind is many of the kids in Guatemala get no floor time so don't have the opportunity to develop those muscles. Feel free to email me at kerrivandiver at sbcglobal dot net if you want to talk more.

Kerri and Ruby

Kim said...

That is great news! We are with CHSFS. You said you were wondering. Here's to a speedy out!

Parent Coordinator said...

Yay! I am happy to hear that folks are getting back into PGN! I can't wait for our turn! Thank you for visiting our blog.

Heidi said...

That is so great! Hope you have a very short stay! Faith is so darling!